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Code Enforcement Repair Program 

The City of Canton and CBP have partnered to create a program to assist low-moderate income homeowners who have code violations on their homes but are unable to afford the necessary repairs. The Code Enforcement Repair Program is available to homeowners in the City of Canton who have received code violation notices for minor items and that fall within HUD's LMI income guidelines. The goal of this program is to help residents correct violation to bring their homes into compliance with the City’s building codes, ensuring the safety, health, and livability of their homes. It is not intended to cover the cost of full replacements or major renovations. 

Fixing the Roof

Code Enforcement Repair Program Guidelines

The applicant must be a resident of the City of Canton and the property owner of the home where the code violations have been cited by the City of Canton’s Code Enforcement Office. Household income must meet HUD income eligibility guidelines based on the applicant’s household size. Income verification will be required, such as tax returns, pay stubs, and/or bank statements. The applicant must be current on property taxes. If the property is delinquent, the applicant must contact the Stark County Deputy Treasurer's Office to inquire about the possibility of a property tax repayment plan. Applicants must provide a copy of the notice from the City of Canton Code Enforcement Department that lists the current violations.

CBP is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization working diligently to revitalize Stark County Neighborhoods through residential empowerment. CBP supports Fair Housing practices. For more information about CBP's various programs, please call (330) 458-0962 

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